Flooring Installation

Flooring Installation

We do flooring installation for both Residential and Commercial. All About Floors is both Bonded and Insured. Once we start the installation, depending on the size of the job, it usually will get done within a week. One of the biggest highlights of choosing us is that we will move your furniture, fridges, stoves, toilets, washers & dryers – so you don’t have to pay an outside company to do so. However, if you’d still prefer to have an outside company move your belongings, that is perfectly fine as well. We will begin with the tear out. Once the tear out is done, we begin the installation process. For carpeting we use the “stretch in” method. Stretch in carpet installation is the most popular installation method in homes. In this installation, strips of wood (called tackless strips) are nailed (or sometimes glued) to the floor around the edges of the room. These strips have hundreds of nails that are angled in towards the wall. Padding is secured to the floor in the middle of the room. The carpet is then attached to the pins around the room. The installer then stretches the carpet tight across the room. The advantages of stretch in carpet installation are: quick and efficient installation method, the padding is more comfortable and insulates, the pad extends the life of the carpet, easier to remove than glued down carpet, the only installation method that allows the installer to effectively work with patterned carpets. We offer a “No Wrinkles Warranty”! If at ‘anytime’ you have a pucker (wrinkle) appear – call us to correct/stretch your carpet.
